Central Kitsap Schools is proud to join communities across Washington state in celebrating Disability History and Awareness Month this October.
Throughout the month, we highlight the unique identities and contributions of individuals within our schools and community who are neuro-diverse, differently abled, or have different abilities. About 2,300 of our students identify as students with disabilities and/or are supported under Section 504, reflecting the diverse abilities that enrich our district.
Established by the Washington State Legislature, Disability History and Awareness Month is a time to promote greater awareness, respect, and acceptance for people with disabilities. It also serves to foster a sense of pride in those with disabilities. October is further recognized at the federal level as National Disability Employment Awareness Month, emphasizing inclusion and opportunity for all.
In Central Kitsap Schools, we are committed to this ongoing effort through lessons and activities that raise awareness of disability history and honor the contributions of individuals with disabilities.
We highlight and celebrate national history and heritage months as a district and in schools throughout the year as part of our commitment to ensuring safe and welcoming learning environments. This includes Black History Month (February); Women’s History Month (March); Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Month (May); Pride Month (June); Hispanic/Latin(o/a/x) Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15); Disability History Month (October); and Native American Heritage Month (November).