Summer Road Work Will Impact Anderson Hill
Summer Road Work Will Impact Anderson Hill
Posted on 06/18/2018
CK Schools will add a left-turn lane on Anderson Hill Road near the new CKMS entrance

CK Schools will add a left-turn lane on Anderson Hill Road near the new CKMS entrance.

From June 21 through Aug. 31, Central Kitsap Schools will build a left-turn lane for eastbound traffic on Anderson Hill Road, improve lighting, and landscape portions of Anderson Hill Road and Frontier Place.

The road improvements are part of the construction work to replace Central Kitsap High and Central Kitsap Middle. This work, along with longer driveways and more parking at our new schools, will help improve access to the new schools


Traffic Impact

The first impact will be a road closure from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 23, for tree removal. If the tree work is completed earlier than anticipated, the road will be re-opened as soon as it is safe to do so.

For the remainder of the construction, drivers will experience alternating one-lane traffic on Anderson Hill. Crews will work 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, with occasional work on Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Flaggers will direct traffic during lane closures.

Additional Information

This summer’s road work will include:

  • A new left-turn lane between the roundabout and the new CKMS entrance on Anderson Hill Road

  • Constructing a new sidewalk and bike lane on the east side of Anderson Hill Road and a new sidewalk on Frontier Place

  • Widening of the shoulder on the west side of Anderson Hill Road

  • Underground utility connections

  • New streetlights along Anderson Hill Road and Frontier Place

  • Upgrade of streetlights at the roundabout

  • Landscaping along the CK campus

Find more updates on the construction of Central Kitsap High and Central Kitsap Middle at