Our schools needed a variety of repairs, from fixing leaky roofs to repairing heating systems. Thanks to the Central Kitsap community's approval of a
bond on Feb. 9, 2016, we have been able to make critical and required repairs at our schools, including:
- Heating and air conditioning system repairs
- Electrical repairs
- Repairing or replacing roofs
- Repairing walkways and driveways
- Improvements at Silverdale Stadium, including a locker room and showers
- Exterior and interior improvements at schools
- Improving athletic fields at several schools
Why They're Needed
More than half of our schools are 30 years old or older. Most major school roofing, heating, electrical and other systems are designed to last about 20 to 30 years.
By repairing or replacing major systems, we reduce long-term maintenance costs. These projects keep our classroom and other learning environments safe and healthy. Then, students can focus on learning, not on whether their classroom is too hot or too cold.
Repairs by School
See the critical and required repairs needed at each school by clicking on each school name below. Projects with a ✔ are complete.