To access popular FAQs from Red Rover:
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How do I set my non-work days in Red Rover?
From your Home page, go to your schedule and enter your recurring and non-recurring work days.
DO NOT place yourself as unavailable if you have prearranged with someone. They will not be able to see you as available to assign you to their job.
If I am assigned (Prearranged) to a job, do I need to do anything?
No. If you need to make any changes to your assignment, please reach out to the school office manager.
Will I be notified if a job changes?
Yes, you will set your notifications in your profile. You can receive them via email or mobile,
How do I see my work history?
Go to "My Schedule". Select the school year and view your jobs in a list or a calendar.
I am a custodial, child nutrition, or transportation sub. Should I be using the Red Rover?
No. Speak with the office manager for your department for more information.
How do I see a description for the job?
Employees will be attaching files such as schedules or lesson plans and/or entering notes to the subs.
To view them, click on the “paper clip” or the “notes” icons next to the job.
Is there a mobile app for subs?
Yes. In your app store search for Red Rover K12.