Fall Family Survey 2023
Your Voice Makes Our Schools Better
Posted on 11/13/2023
Your voice makes our schools better

We’ve made some changes to our fall family check-in, and here’s what you need to know.

Beginning this year, our fall family check-in will include just four questions (plus three demographic questions). It will take families roughly two minutes to complete and your answers will be confidential and anonymous.

We will conduct full-length climate surveys for staff, students, and families in the spring. We have also reduced the total number of questions on those surveys.

These changes will simplify the surveys for participants, and they will ensure the results of the spring surveys will better reflect the climate for the year.

Your participation in our family survey can make a powerful statement. We’re asking about the quality of learning, how well we welcome students and families, challenges to partnering with our schools, school safety and family support. We want to continuously improve schools and supports for our students.

Based on similar surveys in the past:

  • We engaged students to find ways to increase school fit and belonging

  • School teams rethought how they connect with families through alternative hours, virtual meetings and more

  • We expanded community partnerships and improved student-to-school counselor ratios to increase access to counseling services 

There is a question this year about starting the school year earlier to add more flexibility to the calendar for snow days and to avoid the school year extending into late June.  

Your voice makes our schools better!


Thank you for sharing your feedback!

Please complete this survey by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 20.

If you have trouble accessing the survey, please email the survey support team.