Show & Tell: A Showcase of Student Work
Show & Tell: A Showcase of Student Work
Posted on 02/23/2024
Show & Tell

Ever wonder what our students are doing in school?

In CK Schools Show & Tell, we peel back the curtain and shine a spotlight on students’ hard work. We share a new episode every other week.


Barker Creek

Last spring, Julie started knitting a sweater in her creative fiber arts class last spring at Barker Creek Community School, one of her teachers, Ms. Stark, challenged her to have it ready by school picture day next fall.


Viktoria takes us through the process of building a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in her robotics class. Recently, students tested their ROVs in the Olympic swimming pool.

Green Mountain

Addison, a third-grader at Green Mountain Elementary School, shares her two opinion essays she wrote in class. She wrote about her favorite book and who her hero is (you're going to want to hear who it is!)

Cougar Valley

Bennett and the rest of his second-grade class at Cougar Valley Elementary studied Antoni Gaudí's architecture and art, and designed a Gaudí inspired lizard in an art-history project. 

Harper & Sofia
Silver Ridge

Sofia and Harper, fifth graders at Silver Ridge, tell us about what they learned about Gee’s Bend quilts and explain how they inserted their own personalities into their designs.

Jacob & Logan
CK High

With Jacob taking the lead and Logan helping out where needed, two juniors at CK High put in a year's worth of work to restore and manufacture a mini bike.


Jaxsen, a senior at Klahowya Secondary School, shares “The Friday Show” with us. Jaxsen scripts, storyboards, films, directs, and is the lead actor in a skit called “John Pic,” a playful family-friendly spin-off of the “John Wick” series. 


CK Middle

A student from Central Kitsap Middle School shows us one of recent creations from his Lego Robotics class. Students not only build their Lego creation, but learn how to code in order to move and operate it. 

Raleigh & Addison
Clear Creek

Second graders Raleigh and Addison explain their favorite part of their social studies project in which they learned about the ecosystems and cultures around the world.

Camden and Zoe

Camden and Zoe were tasked with designing adaptations for a specific animal to suit environmental changes they chose. They researched facts together and designed a model to demonstrate their findings. 

Sam, Alexis, etc.

This team of students chronicled their experience completing their vessel, the “USS Smurfcat," for an egg drop experiment in their science class at Fairview Middle School. 

Olivia and Gabriel

These PineCrest pioneers are blazing a trail through history with their Oregon Trail simulation project! They shared how it works and their trail names. 

Esquire Hills

Keoni walks us through the “silent auction” for prizes held in Ms. Brown’s fourth grade classroom and how it built up their math fluency and budgeting skills.

KJ & Austin

Fifth graders KJ and Austin from Silverdale Elementary showcase their social studies project, where students made their own globe! They researched countries and designed their globe based on their findings!

Alexis & Stevie
Hawk Elementary

Fifth graders Alexis and Stevie from John "Bud" Hawk Elementary at Jackson Park show off their missing posters they made for a project on the lost colony of Roanoke Island.

Parker and Aiden

Third graders Parker and Aiden showed off their STEM project, which required students to use their mock budget to "buy" materials and build a model levee that keeps water out of their "city" -- a collection of Legos. 


Adrian, a sixth grader at Ridgetop Middle School, learned why patience is a virtue in his model rocket launch recently. Was his rocket successful? Watch and find out! 

Emerald Heights

Thea shows off her daily writing journal! Every morning, Thea writes what’s on her mind and she says it “feels like play” because it’s so fun for her. 

Michael, Austin, etc.

Four fifth graders explain their outdoor garden science project and how they used variables and the scientific process to test which soil is the best for growing plants.